I suggest you stick to natural earth tones, such as brown, yellow/gold and green.
For your foundation, I suggest you stick to something close to your skin color, with a touch of gold glitter if its nighttime. If its daytime / office, stick to your skin color and if you wish, add VERY LITTLE shades of maroon around your face. Not red, please, unless you wanna look like a clown.
For your eyeshadow, go for something brownish or tan. For your eyeliner, choose something pastel green (not yellow/gold in this case, please! You'll end up looking like a whore. And keep that eyeliner thin) if it's nighttime, dark green if its daytime / office. It will accentuate your eyes.
For your lips, just go for a shiner. If you insist on lipstick, choose something matte.What makeup should i wear if i have green/goldish eyes and dirty blonde hair?
Well being natural is the best thing. Wearing no makeup doesn't have the risk of making you look fake. But I have green eyes with gold flakes in them and I wear purple eye shadow. I was told by a make up stylist that purple goes well with green and makes the green eyes look brighter. You could also just take whatever eyeshadow you have and expirement. The stylist also said that pink lipgloss/lipstick goes well, depending on your skin color. If you're medium tan like me then it works. Maybe some black mascera and/or black eyeliner to bring focus to your eyes. The best thing to do is look up tips or just expirement. But remember everyone is beautiful without makeup ^_^ I hope this helps, even a little ^_^What makeup should i wear if i have green/goldish eyes and dirty blonde hair?
green eyeshadow will bring out your eye color, and try a gold liner to really make them pop!
i'm like that[[well a little blonder]] and i wear a light brown at the bottom[closest to my lashes] and then as i go up i add light blue[my eyes have some blue] and then i put a lil pink at the top. all these colors are really light though. the brand is wink. you really just gotta experiment though. oh yea and i only wear mascara. not eyeliner.
I would say bronzey terracotta, earthy orange type shimmery colours, it will bring out your eye colour and it's not too dark for your hair. Or try doing a grey smokey eye and light pink lips, that usually works on most colour combinations.
My best friend has the same looks as you, from what you told me. I do her make-up for her all the time.
-light green
-light purple
-soft shades of brown
hope i helped =]
you should go to seventeen.com then go to salon and you can try out different make up colors and see which ones look the best on you, and its free and wicked easy that way you know for sure they will look good on you
try goldish shadow over a brownish smoky eye or a green over brown smoky either color will do but use mac makeup itll have u looking so model type.
Okay so if you have green eyes try cool colors to accent them. I have brown eyes and I wear gold to bring out the spects in them!
You and I are a lot alike, I like how purple looks on me and also any earth tones like green brown and copper.
I think this would work
barle noticable earthy tones. ( greens,browns,-rarly!-maroons, golden,bronze, )
For a night out, try some nice viberant violets and purples. =] stay in those shades, I wouldn't go to blue. =]
Well u hav a gorgeous eye color and u want something dark to bring them out i wud say a dark night blue or purple it's perfect!Here if u need more tips......
wel it also depends on your skin my friend is white and has the same hair and eyes and she looks great in browns
i would wee more natural colors
no pinks or purples
the browns would hilight the brown in your hair!
stay beautiful!
I would stick to neutrals such as camel/toffee/taupe colors. Maybe some golden hues too or even rose hues.
browns, also purple looks good with that color eye and hair.
I think maybe natural or green
Earth tones.
be natural
stay close to your natural colours
check with a beauty consultant
blue eye shadow
a lite brown lip gloss
then every thing else naturel clours
I am the same and gray is our signature colour!
sounds like ur naturally pretty maybe a lil mascara
hmm...maybe brownish or green
none natrural is HOt!
MAC make up...duhhh
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