just cut your hair with a razor and dye it if you want. wear skinny pencil leg jeans typically from delias and wear delias shirts. for makeup i guess just heavy eyeliner or whatever idk im not a girl but thats basically what my friends wear. dont worry about what to say. just go to some local shows and try to find a group of people to talk to. also wear flats and such. rainbows are good too. one thing scene guys hate are girls who try too hard to be scene. so dont. but also wearing abercrombie or hollister is cool and personally i dont mind if scene chicks do. also ive noticed if youre a preppy scene you have to be friends with just about everyone haha. also check out heartcoreclothing.com and go to urban dictionary and just type in scene hahah. good luck.I want to be preppy scene, can anyone help me with the makeup, hair, clothing style, lingo etc. PLEASE HELP!!!
go avril lavine status with a tieI want to be preppy scene, can anyone help me with the makeup, hair, clothing style, lingo etc. PLEASE HELP!!!
Do yourself a favor and don't try to fit in to a specific scene. Wear what you like and do what you like and see where that puts you. It shows more confidence than trying to fit a mold.
You'll want to try the Famous Times Six Website: http://www.ft6.int.tc
They sell authentic hair extensions with stripes made from real human hair. I buy all my hair from there!
They have a lot of colours to choose from too.
clip in coon tail striped hair extensions are best because-
- you don't ruin your hair with dye
- they don't grow out
- you can put them in and take them off
- they can last you forever
- they're cheap
- they look like the real thing
- they wont go all frizzy and weird like real hair does when it's dyed, it'll just look like part of your hair.
- You can change your look really easily
-won't go against any school or work dress codes as you can take them out!
hair: http://photobucket.com/images/scene%20ha鈥?/a>
Makeup: http://photobucket.com/images/scene%20ha鈥?/a>
Clothes: forever 21, abercrombie, hollister, pacsun
Wait....so you want to be preppy and scene at the same time? Hmmm....well I would suggest...
Scene Hair (it's easier to maintain short edgy hair than long flowy hair)
Preppy Outfits with Scene accessories (like possibly a cropped hoodie over a bright polo with skinny jeans and a studded belt...and some cute, girly accessories to top it all off?)
I think I can only help you with the look. I don't know much about the scene style, let alone preppy scene. That wiki how article looked pretty good though.
buy pink girly tones stay away for dark green , gray , blacks,stay with pinks puple light blue bright greens for clothing as for makeup white pink eyeshadow dont do a bright blush keep it natural. stay away from moehawks or any other wiered cut of hair . try layers and if you have brown hair get blonde highlights not too bright stay natural
I dont even understand what scene is.
here's some info:
and here is how to be a preppy scene kid:
What, is preppy scene a new term or something?
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