Monday, July 26, 2010

Tell me some hair makeup secrets?

Hi friends, tell me how to get the smooth and healthy hair suggest me some hair makeup secrets..Tell me some hair makeup secrets?
Hair style plays an important role in enhancing the looks of an individual. The choosing of hairstyle depends upon various factors such as the shape of your face, your height and your lifestyle. If clean and conditions your hairs daily then short hairs suits you the beast. If you have a lot of time to care for your hairs then you can adopt long hairs hairstyle. n a round face that hairstyles suits mostly which helps in the angling of round cheeks.Tell me some hair makeup secrets?
Hey sweetie. (:

Do a hot oil treatment on your hair once weakly, use heatprotection/uv protection sprays when styling, don't brush too often, use a deep conditioning hair mask every now and again.

Find the best products for you, cut it regularly to banish split ends.

Eat lots of protein rich foods to help it stay gorgeous.

the most crucial rule of hair is how you brush it and wash it. when you brush it, us a wide toothed comb before you get a shower. DONT COMB OR BRUSH WHEN HAIR IS WET. use a serum in it, mayube herbal essences. %26amp; it depends how your hair is, if you straighten it allot or use harsh heat appliances and have dead ends, it'll be harder to get silkier hair, so you need to describe more
Don't use too much heat. Like don't use a hair dryer or Straightener or curler[s] all the time. It will dry it out.

Keep hair fairly clean.

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