Monday, July 26, 2010

Scene Makeup, Hair, and Clothing?

I have an olive skintone and brown eyes. I really really love the scene makeup and hair! My hair is naturally straight with a little curl at the bottom! I have some scene clothing. What makeup do I need to get that scene look?! And what should I do with my hair? I don't have a scene cut, but I have clip on hair streaks in different colors. And where should I shop that has Extra Small shirts And size 00 or 0 jeans?!

HELP PLEASE!!! I'm very very desperate!Scene Makeup, Hair, and Clothing?
ummm dont do clip ons youll look like even more of a poser than you already sound.Scene Makeup, Hair, and Clothing?
desperate to fit into a steriotype, thats what you are. eww. how about you try being yourself instead of being ';scene';. you'll lokk to generic.
why dont you gain weight so you shop at normal stores?????? and i would stop being so concerned with how you look. the scene look isnt going to make Oprah.
i dont know about scene stuff

but to get the size cloths you want you'regonna have to go to Gap Babies or something
How about you don't put links to this question inside your answers to other questions.

Wet Seal has tiny jeans.

I'm sorry you really sound like a poser
What's this scene thing

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